Pavna International School

Post: Food for Thought

Are you looking for an international school for your child? Pavna International School Aligarh offers world-class academic facilities and exciting food options! In this video, see how the school provides its students with a balanced diet that nourishes their minds and bodies. Discover why Pavna International School is the perfect place to send your little one, from the fresh and delicious breakfast to the lunchtime variety! 


Varun Chanana and the hospitality manager at Pavna International School. Here we serve students the healthiest and pure vegetarian food. The healthy meals support the core mission of indication with his concentration, focus and function as my own philosophy says that the belly rules the mind. So, coming onto our infrastructure, we have this big space which can accommodate around 150 packs in single go, and one can enjoy their meals with the beautiful view outside. Moreover, with my highly efficient stock and soaring man power and soaring machinery visas, student, most hygienic and clean food.