From the desk of Director of Academics
Stephen Sibthorpe
A very warm welcome to Pavna International School.
Essentially, a Pavna International School Cambridge Education prepares students for life, encouraging them to develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. The ‘Cambridge Pathway’ curriculum helps students become confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged.
Cambridge qualifications are recognised globally as qualifications that prepare and equip students with the skills they need to succeed both at university and beyond. Universities tell us that they value the independent research and critical thinking skills, as well as the deep subject knowledge that our qualifications bring.

All students at PIS are entitled to voice their opinions, and entitled to share their ideas.We have high expectations of our students and actively encourage them to engage in all activities with open minds, resilience and a willingness to make mistakes. Our friendly and supportive school environment is based on sound relationships between students, teachers and parents. We place great importance on respect and consideration towards others, kindness and hard work. We encourage creativity, enquiry, cultural awareness and a positive outlook on life.
Essentially, we aim to maximize the life-chances of every child who attends by developing effective 21st Century learners who have an ‘international spirit’. We aim for our students to become intellectually, socially and morally truly global citizens.